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With Valentine’s Day rolling around, red roses are everywhere. So why not mix it up? Here’s our guide to the five coolest roses you can plant with kids in your yard.
Black flowers are a rare sight in the botanical world– which makes the [easyazon_link identifier=”B018PBC0Y4″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”gardcoll03-20″]Black Baccara Rose[/easyazon_link] all the more ethereal and otherworldly. Its velvety petals are actually a very deep, reddish purple, but the rose itself is no less striking. Symbolically, black roses are often associated with magic and mystery.
With its striped red and white petals, the punny [easyazon_link identifier=”B00TDB5908″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”gardcoll03-20″]Scentimental Rose[/easyazon_link] looks like one of the roses from Alice in Wonderland, halfway painted by Red Queen’s cards. Fragrant and continually blooming, this rose spices up standard crafts with it’s two sharp colors.
A beautiful dusty purple color when it’s young, the [easyazon_link identifier=”B01G30QY50″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”gardcoll03-20″]Blue for You Rose[/easyazon_link] fades to blue as it ages– a very melancholy rose. The cupped shape and wider, sparse petals give it an old fashioned look, perfect for a nouveau Victorian vibe.
The sharp contrast of red on the inside of the petals and fresh white on the outside makes the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00YJ3JZ3W” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”gardcoll03-20″]Osiria Rose[/easyazon_link] looks like something out of sinister fairytale. While the rose can be challenging to grow, it’s well worth the effort.
The Bella Doria Rose is about as close to hot pink as you’ll get in the garden. With a striped pattern similar to the Scentimental Rose and a rich fragrance to boot, the Bella Doria Rose is probably the only one on this list your beloved might actually be flattered by.