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Garden Collage EIC Molly Beauchemin and Astrologer Deb McBride team up for the latest edition of GC’s “Botanical Horoscopes”.
Aries (Mar 20 – April 19): New planetary activity begins this month in your 8th house, which highlights shared experiences and resources. You may find yourself being given a financial bonus or a new opportunity to expand your assets. With several planets in your partnership house this month, it may be to your benefit to engage in possible business ventures presented to you by others. A lot of the stress of earlier in the year will have dissipated and you can now take some risks with a clear view of the options available to you. Invest wisely with both time and money.Key Garden Colors: Forest Green, Amethyst, CopperFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Cosmos, Pine, Basil, Cilantro, Pussywillows, Alstroemeria
Taurus (April 20 – May 19): For the first time in 12 years, Jupiter has entered your opposite sign of Scorpio, in your house of partnerships and will remain for one year. This is very exciting news as Jupiter is the planet of abundance, opportunity, and good fortune. This is a wonderful time to meet people and expand your social horizons. If you are interested in meeting a new life partner, Jupiter can make your wish come true. And if you are already involved, this is a time of openness and improvement in your relationship. Use it to have deep conversations and take your relationship to a new level.Key Garden Colors: Auburn, Taupe, CreamFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Amaryllis, Camellia, Cottage Roses, White Delphinium
Gemini (May 20 – June 20): Your creative urges take over in October as several planets reach your 5th house. It is time for you to be profoundly, authentically expressing your ideas, imaginings, and innovation. This, in turn, will infuse your work, which can expand greatly now. As for your personal relationships, you are attracting lots of potential mates, but once involved you will find there are lots of wrinkles to iron out. Saturn remains in your partnership house for a while and therefore requires a willingness to cast aside all fears of a meaningful, intimate connection with another. If you dig deep now, you may just find that treasure.Key Garden Colors: Cerulean, TurquoiseFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Blue Delphinium, Gerbera Daisies, Bouvardia, Eucalyptus, Carnations, Bearded Iris
Cancer (June 21-July 21): Saturn continues its journey through the house of your everyday employment and you have no shortage of work. In October, it brings a twist to your communications and it may be challenging to have your needs understood by others, especially in your work environment. With Pluto continuing to churn in your opposite sign (provoked by a collection of planets in your 4th house,) you may feel you don’t understand people at all. The best way to handle these wild, intractable energies is to step back and do a little emotional homework on yourself. Recognizing how and why you are attracting such personalities will solve a multitude of problems.Key Garden Colors: Mauve, Baby PinkFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Peonies, Carnations, Lavender, Chocolate Mint, Fennel, ‘Purple Dragon’ Lamium
Leo (July 22 – August 21): Your home and family becomes the focus of much pleasure as fortunate Jupiter enters your 4th house for the next year. In these 12 months, it’s rewarding to nurture your relationships with your blood relatives and those you call family in your current life. This sector of your horoscope also relates to your deepest innermost self, it’s a wonderful time for any self-exploration and meditation. With Jupiter’s visit, a light will be shining on and revealing to you a deep resilience and strength of character. You will learn about deep sources of power within, aspects of yourself that you didn’t realize you had. These resources will be of great value as you move forward in the world at large.Key Garden Colors: Spring Green, Black, WhiteFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Eucalyptus, Orchids, Alliums, Calla Lilies, Rosemary, Amaranth
Virgo (August 22 – September 21): You may be furrowing your brow in October as Venus and Mars in your sign tangle with Saturn and Chiron. Family and personal relationships may be a source of stress rather than comfort as they may require a lot of effort and navigation. The best place to channel your energies this month is into your career. Not only is it a respite from the interpersonal dynamics that you’ll be negotiating, but it will remove the pressure from those situations as well. Any efforts towards your professional reputation in the world can only be beneficial and the skills acquired can be applied to assuage those personal connections.Key Garden Colors: Silver, Gold, OrangeFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Morning Glory, Geranium, Euphorbia, Parsley, Succulents
Libra (September 22 – October 22): October is an inspiring month as a number of planets pass through your sign. This includes your ruler Venus, which always improves your social life and attracts others to you. It’s a fine time to step out in your most aesthetic style, so treat yourself to some new wardrobe items. Your monetary fortunes increase as lucky Jupiter enters your finance house for a year. Use this period to ask for a raise, expand your portfolio and learn some new skills, which in turn will make you more marketable. Jupiter will regularly send a sweet signal to Neptune in your house of work, so a promotion or a new job could be on the horizon as well.Key Garden Colors: Hot Pink, WhiteFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Coxcomb, Geranium, Poppy, White Roses, Pink Roses, Passionflower
Scorpio (October 23 – November 20): Congratulations! You may feel like you have hit the jackpot as Jupiter the planet of abundance enters your sign on October 10 for the next year. This is a time of expansion, opportunities, education, travel and opening of the mind. If you need to take some well thought-out risks, this is the time to do it. Jupiter is a big planet that can now make everything in your life bigger. This does not mean you have a free ride to sit back and not do anything. That will just make your waistline bigger, Jupiter can do that as well. Keep your good health routine and the more effort you show in your life now, the greater rewards you will reap.Key Garden Colors: Navy Blue, CrimsonFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Salvia, Hyacinth, Anemone, Daisies, Sweetpea
Sagittarius (November 21 – December 20): Your sign is all about belief and faith, and with new planetary activity in your 12th house, you may find that your faith is in a good, strong place. Despite Saturn still traveling through your sign, you have a sense of protection that is calming all the unease of the last 3 years. You begin to release the steady grip you’ve had on your life and recognize what the lessons were about. Now you are able to wrap up the story with the knowledge and wisdom that only comes from working through tribulation. Any remaining work to be done will be handled with skill.Key Garden Colors: Dark Green, Millenial PinkFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Spruce, Rosemary, Bellflower, Orchid, Squash Blossom, Aster
Capricorn (December 21 – January 19): A preponderance of planets in your career sector in October suggests that you are revisiting your reputation and achievements in this world. These planets challenge Pluto in your sign and awaken you to the next steps in connecting with your mastery. With Jupiter entering your house of long term goals, you will spend the next year redefining and expanding your career direction. If you have not expanded your outreach, this is the perfect time to do so as group networking could be a significant payoff.Key Garden Colors: Pale Yellow, Cream, RedFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Red Roses, Camellias, Onion/Allium, Paperwhites, Amaryllis
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Beginning this month and for the next year, your energy and focus need to be on your career and reputation in this world. You can be a contrary sort, not always wanting to play along with the grand plan, preferring to go your own way. But now it’s important that you embrace the next chapter of your life and share your expertise with the masses. It doesn’t need to destroy your individuality, your voice is always a unique one. It’s time that you understand how much people are interested in what you have to offer and allow yourself to respond.Key Garden Colors: Gold, Yellow, WhiteFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Sunflowers, Dahlias, Coxcomb, Catnip, Cat Mint
Pisces (February 19 – March 20): An infrequent meeting of Mars and Venus in your partnership house can bring a lovely connection with a potential mate. If you feel that you are hesitating to dive into this relationship, blame it on Saturn that is challenging these passionate planets. Instead of allowing doubt to create a roadblock, handle this new situation cautiously and keep your eyes wide open. If you are already in a relationship, this time is perfect for doing some extra homework that will deepen the bond between you and your loved one. Think of it as an investment that will reward you immensely.Key Garden Colors: Scarlett, Grey, VermillionFlower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Red Roses, Calla Lily, Baby’s-Breath, Anemone, Echinacea