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Herewith, we unpack some of the Summer’s most gorgeous road races… see you at the finish!
Farm Sanctuary’s NYC Plant Powered Run is a beautiful waterfront race dedicated to raising awareness about the growing need for an agricultural renaissance. “Raise your voice for farm animals as you rise to the challenge in the timed Plant Powered 10K”, the organization writes of their mission to bring ethical standards to the way farm animals are treated.
The route traces the Hudson River Greenway along New York City’s Hudson River Park, which has beautiful sweeping views of Hoboken across the river (seriously, New Jersey is nice!).
The Yellowstone Half Marathon is as beautiful as it sounds. Traversing the Custer Gallatin National Forest and the Hebgen Lake Ranger District, the race’s 13 miles encompass some of the most spectacular (and rare) ecosystems in the American National Park System. “You are in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem– the most intact ecosystem in the lower 48 states. The Custer Gallatin National Forest is one of five national forests comprising this amazing place,” the coordinators write on the event website. “National Forests belong to us all…193 million acres of rivers, mountains, forests, trails, beautiful scenery and clean water. Have fun racing along the South Fork of the Madison River with moose, bald eagles, grizzly bears and trout!” (Even if you can’t run the race, here’s how you can help preserve public parks.)
The Blueberry 5K Run and Walk takes place on the scenic, wooded trails of Brewton’s Burnt Corn Creek and O’Bannon Park. Hosted by the Coastal Alabama Community College Brewton Campus Foundation and the Brewton Chamber of Commerce, the event concludes at Brewton’s Annual Blueberry Festival with live music, art, a waterslide with inflatables, an antique and classic car show, petting zoo– and of course, plenty of fresh blueberries!
Celebrate the Summer Solstice with a beautiful early morning trail run in Gay City State Park in Hebron, Connecticut. Choose a 5.5 mile or 3.3 mile run on Gay City’s impressive trail system through the park and surrounding forests and past remnants of the old paper mill before crossing over Blackledge River before the finish. The course boasts a number of serene backdrops, including many traditional old stone walls in the deep woods. For more information, go here.
The July 4th Watermelon 5k Run is exactly what it sounds like: the sunny 3.1 mile race takes place in Winter Park, Florida and is followed by a watermelon eating competition (because it wouldn’t be a summer road race without a slice of the pink stuff). Winter Park is a world-class art mecca just a short drive from Orlando. Known for its Old World charm and beautiful botany, the town is also home to the Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens, which we recommend visiting after the race. For more details go here.
The 39th Annual Bridge of Flowers 10k Charity Road Race is a favorite among New England runners, who travel from all over the region to participate in this gorgeous Western Massachusetts classic. Nestled in the Berkshire Mountains just a short drive from famed art gallery Mass MoCa, Shelburne Falls is lovely in the summer, as the race starts in the center of town on a bridge straddling the Deerfield River. A few hundred feet from this point is the not-to-be-missed “bridge of flowers”– a walking bridge beautifully planted with flowers, shrubs, and small trees. For more information, check out the race website.
Interested in running wild with majestic ponies? (We certainly are!) The Green River Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Run With the Horses Marathon, Half-Marathon and 10k is a picturesque rendezvous through what sounds like a cinematic western movie. The race takes place on paved road that runs through Wyoming’s High Dessert, with spectacular views of wild horses along the route (and yes, there are aid stations along the way). The 2017 event will take place August 19th, 2017 at 6:30 AM, and we guarantee there’s no better way to spend a summer morning. For more information visit the event page.
The Saguaro National Park Labor Day 8-Miler is one of the few road races across the United States that take place on National Park Land (one of the others is the Yellowstone Half Marathon that we also mention in this gallery). It also takes place in the park that is home to America’s largest cactus! On Monday, September 4, 2017 the 8 miler will commence at 6:25 AM, with the 5k following shortly thereafter at 6:30 AM.
Runners will be expected to pay the entry fee to the National Park Service ($5) and other race funds will go to benefit the Friends of Saguaro National Park Fund (and these days, National Parks need all the help they can get!). For more details and race information, go here.
Seattle (and most of the Pacific Northwest, in general) is a great area for runners, with numerous forested and waterfront paths providing ample footing and even better views. The Seafair Torchlight Run, however, offers something event more rare: one of the last remaining opportunities to race along the viaduct overlooking Elliot Bay. The race takes place in the evening– just in time for you to swing by Pike Place for delicious seafood afterward. For more event details go here.