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Garden Collage EIC Molly Beauchemin and Astrologer Deb McBride team for the latest edition of GC’s “Botanical Horoscopes”.
Aries (Mar 21 – April 19): You are feeling more powerful as your world continues to greet you with warmth and enthusiasm, Aries. Your life is playing out in a larger arena than you expected, which inevitably places you in a position of responsibility. What you give out comes back to you ten times greater, so use this time to continue to do good and raise awareness. You really are being heard.
Key Garden Colors: Orange and Navy Blue
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Ranunculus, Willow, and Acanthus leaf
Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Although Taurus is very grounded and often a homebody, you want to be present in the world in a way you have never experienced before. Your spirit is exuberant with a fresh perspective and you are now in the mood for a far-reaching journey. Remember that modalities such as mindfulness and meditation can take you on that journey and improve your everyday life, as well.
Key Garden Colors: Violet and Cream
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Lavender, Salajit, Raspberry Leaf, and Black Pepper
Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Gemini, in December you need to wisely choose what to say and watch your words carefully. Others may take umbrage upon hearing your extreme ideas, even if for you they may only be a passing thought. You are known for your mental acumen, so use it to make friends, not enemies. Think it through before you speak it.
Key Garden Colors: Scarlet Red and Taupe
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Barberry, Spruce, and Poppies
Cancer (June 21-July 22): Hard work and effort are always rewarding, and for Cancer in December there is a lot to be accomplished. Refreshing your career and reputation is the order of the month. You may feel you are pushing the envelope more than ever, but that’s a good and necessary task at present. Don’t be concerned if the efforts take time to pay off: you are making an investment in yourself.
Key Garden Colors: Burnt Sienna and Emerald Green
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Mint, Rosemary, Ginger
Leo (July 23 – Aug 22): Your routine exercise protocol could benefit from a review, Dear Leo. Perhaps you would like to go to back to a trainer or practitioner that benefitted you in the past. December is a great time to have a look at your sleep and eating schedule so you can be your perky, charming self in the new year. Use the holidays to de-stress and perhaps travel to a spa in an exotic locale.
Key Garden Colors: Navy Blue and Silver
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Marigolds, Allium, Redwood, and Wisteria
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22): If you can stay focused on yourself and your work this month, you’ll be doing quite well and success will be achieved. It’s a slippery slope down the rabbit hole when Virgos start tending to the needs of others before their own. There is so much originality and creativity available to you in December that it would be a shame to waste it. Your sign always wants to be of service to others– just don’t let them bring you into their dramas.
Key Garden Colors: Pale Yellow and Black
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Stock Flowers, Marigolds, Hyacinth
Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22): It’s best for Libras to allow themselves a certain amount of space and freedom in their relationships this month. In December, you’ll find that partners and collaborators aren’t necessarily bringing stability. What they are bringing to the table is brilliance, genius and the ability to create outside the box. Appreciate this for how it helps you be more flexible and open to the unusual journeys life is offering you.
Key Garden Colors: Spring Green and Cream
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Air Plants, Vibirnum, Milky Oats
Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21): Your mind is pre-occupied with your livelihood where you can have an exciting change-up in December. This is a real boost for your confidence, Scorpio, which has been feeling sluggish as of late. Education is helpful now as learning new skills will differentiate you from others in your field. Use excess energy socially to meet up with friends, rather than getting agitated with your family.
Key Garden Colors: Magenta and White
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Coxcomb, Ylang Ylang, Chamomile
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21): Although in the last year you have been tempered by sobering energies, don’t allow it to besmirch your fiery and upbeat personality. This month the tides are turning in Sagittarius’ favor, making intimacy and love your priorities. Holiday time can see you sparkling in the social circles, so be sure to say “yes” to interesting invitations.
Key Garden Colors: Green and Black
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Vanilla, Coffee, Cacao
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19): In December, Capricorn, your words are important and your thoughts turn intense and powerful. Your skills of concentration may be challenged by distraction, as too much new information is surging through your brain. But you quietly return to the task at hand, which is the communication of innovative ideas. Respect this creative growth process, as it will prove to feed your next projects.
Key Garden Colors: Emerald and Grey
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Elm, Oak, Coffee Leaf, and Fig Leaf
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Your dance card is quite busy lately, Aquarius, but you desire some time away from the maddening crowd. This month sees you changing your environment and trying to quell the butterflies. Your sleep is restless as you grapple with intuitive knowledge bubbling to the surface. Turn your attention to it, understand it, and embrace it.
Key Garden Colors: Cerulean and White
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Piper Betel, Blackberry Leaf, Cottage Roses, Areca Nut
Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20): Verbally asserting yourself and making your voice heard have not brought great satisfaction to you lately. Pisces. Words may not help you stand up for yourself, but perhaps actions will. You don’t like to hurt feelings, yet igniting a fiery spiritedness is the way to empowerment. In turn, this will fuel your self-esteem and possibly create more wealth as well.
Key Garden Colors: Sapphire and Pale Yellow
Flower/Herb to Seek Out This Month: Bamboo Palm, Catnip, Money Plant, and African Violets