A Brooklyn Girl’s Guide To Sunday: Redecorating with Roses
During the time of year when it starts getting darker earlier in the evening, change happens really quickly. One day you’re eating at seven thirty because that’s when the sun goes down, and the next it’s six and all of a sudden it feels like midnight. It’s very confusing for the internal clock, and sometimes it’s really hard to leave the house when it’s dark and cold again.
November is the time of year that I start trying to make the inside of the house look just the way I want it. In the summer, I’m running in and out, desperate to be outside and rarely sitting around on my bed or the couch instead of the park. In the summer I’m up for a late movie, a late dinner, an early breakfast, a full day of sun-chasing. But in the winter, I’m ready to put on my flannel and get in bed for six hours to watch a movie and write in my journal or go to the movies at four in the afternoon, not ten at night. So while summer flowers are, undeniably, beautiful and wonderful and fantastically delicate, I’ve found that I really need flowers in the winter. They keep my space looking up. It’s a really small thing that can change an entire atmosphere.
Sundays are a perfect time to head out, get some flowers for the week and to see what you can do with them. I buy bouquets occasionally, but usually I do my own. It’s kind of an “I Can’t Imagine Anyone Else Could Do It Better” situation, and also just that I grew up around flowers and really like putting colors together. You can also arrange flowers while watching TV or talking to friends, or when all your friends are busy and you need something to do. I usually start by going out, buying a bunch of whatever is cheapest, and then buying one or two things that I really love. It’s hard because flowers can be expensive, but if you buy grasses or the larger bulk flowers then it’s doable. I personally lean toward more rough-and-tumble flowers and containers, with fewer tall glass vases and more old salsa jars with the labels peeled off– but this is the arranger’s choice.
I usually choose colors that are all within a similar range– so for example, pinks, whites, yellows, reds, oranges, etc… and then I start arranging from the inside out, constantly rotating so that you make sure all sides are getting your attention. And when it comes to redecorating, because you’re doing it for you, it can look however you want. You want a bunch of branches in a bowl? Great. Evergreen and carnations? Go for it. Dahlias in every color? Why not! I think there’s definitely some sort of benefit to winding down the week by using your hands and creating something. Just remember to cut the stems on a diagonal, and to use cold water unless you’re dealing with roses!