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269 results for: protea

The Union Square Grassman Teaches Us About Greens

In Search of a Greener New York is an ongoing Garden Collage series of explorations about sustainability efforts in New...

How The Gardens at The Met Cloisters Came To Be

It is a cool, bright,  spring morning when I meet Caleb Leech, the lead horticulturist at the Metropolitan Museum Cloisters....

Ask Ella: Shock Therapy For Hyacinths?

Ask Ella is a recurring Garden Collage feature where we ask our in-house florist,  Ella Stavonsky, about the history of,...

Coffee and Soil Are More Compatible Than You Might Think

Forget about oil or electricity: coffee beans power the world. The world collectively consumes 2 billion cups of coffee each...

The Joy of Releasing Ladybugs– And How To Do It With Lil’ Sprouts

Growing up, releasing ladybugs was always one of my favorite things to do in the spring. Ladybugs were magical to me, kept...

The Best Native Bulbs and Spring Ephemerals

In early spring, before the big deciduous trees would leaf-out, lovely tiny flowers would blanket huge areas beneath the bare...

Everything You Need To Know About Aloe

This month’s theme of The Alchemist honors plants whose medicinal properties are almost magical. Among the oldest and most potent of...

From Vegan Milk to Hair Serum, Lupini Beans Are The Next Big Superfood

Though its origins are actually quite old,  lupini milk is being hailed as the newest, freshest trend in the world of...

This Sesame Oil, Myrrh, and Lavender Bath Will Revive Your Nails

In the discussion of hair, skin, and nails, it’s been my experience that “nails” are often the first of the...

An Intro To Moroccan Food Markets

Sophie Duncan is a Thoreau Scholar who spent 2014 on a Fulbright grant in Morocco doing research on traditional foods,...

Why Are Four-Leaf Clovers “Lucky”?

In March, finding a four-leaf clover is hardly a stroke of luck. As the 17th of March nears, they seem...

Celebrating International Women’s Day with GC Women of Note

International Women’s Day, or IWD, is a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women all...