Corrections Standards

Requesting a Correction at Garden Collage Magazine

Requests for corrections should be submitted to Garden Collage Magazine at Please contact us if you are dissatisfied with the spelling, accuracy, or credibility of any published material. We accept all corrections, but reserve the right not to initiate changes if we cannot confirm their validity or necessity in the course of a thorough fact-check. When submitting a correction to Garden Collage Magazine, please include the following in your email:

Article Headline:

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Date Published:

Phrase in Question:

Your Concern (please limit to 300 words):

Your Name:

Your Email:

Your Location:

If you are unsure whether your concern will warrant a correction, please read Garden Collage Magazine’s Style Guide entries below for Corrections and Editors’ Notes.


Garden Collage Magazine recognizes an ethical responsibility to correct all its factual errors, large and small (including misspellings of names), promptly and permanently. In accordance with the New York Timesstandards for corrections, all complaints will be issued to the appropriate editor and investigated promptly. If a correction is warranted, it will be corrected immediately. Because a correction serves all readers (not just those who were injured or who complained) it must be, to quote the Times, “self-explanatory, tersely recalling the context and the background while repairing the error”.

In the rare case of a delay, the correction will acknowledge a reason for both the error and a reason for the delay. When an error has occurred under the byline or credit of a blameless staff member or news agency, the correction may cite an editing error or a transmission error. If Garden Collage Magazine has been misinformed by an institution or a reference work that should have been authoritative, the error may be attributed as misinformation cited to the offending source. At the end of any article for which a correction is made, after supplying the facts, the correction may usefully remind readers of the specific error (for example, at the end of an article, we might state: “A previous edition of this article reported that there are over 1 million species in the Amazon Rain Forest. Garden Collage Magazine regrets this error; there are over 1 billion species, not 1 million species)”.

Editors’ Notes

Garden Collage Magazine appreciates all corrections. At GC Magazine we strive to be as informed, accurate, and respectful as possible in all of our articles, and reader submissions of corrections that are believed to contribute to that end help us improve the website and its reading experience for all. In addition to factual errors, we aim to acknowledge (and rectify, when possible) lapses of fairness, balance or perspective — faults more subtle or less concrete than factual errors, though still justifiably important. Examples may include discovering and acknowledging that a freelancer, assigned to review a book, failed to divulge a conflict of interest.

A correction is published only after consultation with the Editor-in-Chief to ensure that it is as fair to the staff as to readers and to the people mentioned. The purpose is to restore perspective while assuring readers that Garden Collage Magazine’s slip did not typify its standards or policy.

The note begins by recalling the date, placement and content of the faulty article, in a sentence or two. In another few phrases, it then summarizes the passage that created the problem. It goes on to state the fault, preferably in a cogent way that sheds light on Garden Collage Magazine’s journalistic practice. If possible, the note then supplies what was lacking earlier.

For example:

“Editors’ Note: Mr. Terralo used to work in the research lab whose study he reports on above. Garden Collage Magazine has been made aware of this conflict of interest and regrets the lapse in assigning the article given these unforeseen circumstances.”

“Editors’ Notes” are not to be confused with an “Editor’s Note” (note the placement of the apostrophe), the latter of which is a parenthetic addition to any proceeding sentence that does not necessarily demarcate an error.

For example: “Aloe has been used for centuries as a dermatological pharmaceutical (Editor’s Note: Stay tuned for our forthcoming article on medicinal plants!)”

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