Ice & Vice (Lower East Side)
Why we scream: If you’re the adventurous culinary type (and we do mean adventurous), there’s no better option than Ice & Vice, where you can test the limits of what you’re willing to eat in ice cream. (Maybe you’ll discover you’re….limitless.) While their more “traditional” flavors can get esoteric (White Sesame, Toasted Poppy Seed, Lemon Bread Crouton anyone?), their plant-based flavors are where they start to get really weird, like their current scoop containing chlorophyll AKA the chemical behind why plants are green. (A lot of people take chlorophyll as a supplement for its purported health properties— so basically one scoop = a multivitamin, right?)
What to order: Chlorophyll & Citron Marmalade; Raisin, Celery, & Gianduja Chocolate Chips; Black Garlic, Olive Oil, & Sweet Corn Crumble; Rum, Coconut, Pickled Pineapple Jam