Bouquet of the Week: The Limbo Between Summer and Fall
As part of our recurring Bouquet of the Week series, Garden Collage continues to present a weekly inspirational bouquet that incorporates intriguing new elements into the traditional practice of floral design. This week, GC Photo Editor Andreana Bitsis styles a bouquet to honor that magnificent end-of-summer limbo between Summer and Fall.
Being a New Englander, I’ve developed a sincere appreciation for all four seasons, but my absolute favorite time of year is the very end of summer. Of course it means that I’ll soon be saying goodbye to the warm beach weather and backyard barbecues that I look forward to yearly, but feeling the first hint of a cool breeze in the evening after a humid summer day is truly satisfying.
The feeling finally struck last week on a late-August night. I was sipping on an overpriced cocktail with some friends on a rooftop in the Meatpacking District. The bright lights and colors of the city I’ve grown to call home were sparkling around me as I subtly bobbed my head back and forth to the beat of a familiar deep house track. Everyone was laughing and relaxed, the humidity was lifting, and the brief limbo between Summer and Fall had finally begun.
I wanted to make a bouquet that embodies that limbo; the feeling of holding onto the bright colors and excitement of summer as the cool, darker ambiance of fall begins blending into the evening. When the feeling of urgency to do every single thing on a rooftop, in a park, or on a stoop for as long as the weather will still permit overwhelms us all. I chose a copper moscow mule mug to use as a vessel as an ode to making the most of those last few weeks of summer. When friends make last minute calls after work to grab food or hit up a happy hour before the sun starts setting earlier. When the hours of daylight get so inevitably short that they feel like they almost don’t exist at all.
It’s during those nights as I’m saying goodbye to summer that I feel the most appreciative for it. I feel thankful for the trips I’ve taken, the music I’ve danced to, and the memories I’ve made with the people I most enjoy being with. I’ll miss being able to leave the house in only a dress and a pair of sandals and walking everywhere without having a bundle up. This summer is yet another one that I will look back on fondly, but before I start taking out my boots and scarves, I’ll sit back and enjoy limbo for a little while longer.