Introducing Billy Manson’s Local Wild Food Challenge
Chef Billy Manson made a name for himself as a culinary professional who has spent his career traveling the world in search of not just local, but truly wild food.
As an homage to what is increasingly becoming known as “culinary adventure travel”, Manson launched the Local Wild Food Challenge, a culinary adventure competition in which Manson will host ten events in five countries– Finland, France, New Zealand, Italy, and the United States– in which local foodies are invited to create and submit a dish that features at least one wild ingredient from their local community.
Gardeners, foragers, home cooks, fishermen, caterers, hunter-gatherers, kids, chefs, amateurs, and anyone interested in wild food are all encouraged to participate (all entries are anonymous to the judging panel), and winners will receive what are being teased as “amazing prize packages” aimed at strengthening the global community of local wild foodies. Watch below as Manson explains the initiative through the lens of some stunning travel destinations.