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269 results for: protea

Events We Love: Bouley Botanical’s The Chef & The Doctor Series

Bouley Botanical’s The Chef & The Doctor dinner series is a collection of health-focused, multi-course culinary experiences featuring world-renowned doctors...

How a Cricket Farm in Austin is Putting a Dent in World Hunger

Silence. “Crickets are quiet when they’re babies, ” explains Gabe Mott, one of the partners in Aspire, a food-grade cricket...

An Overhead “Sky Garden” Comes To Seoul

The city of Seoul, South Korea will soon have its own High Line, an equivalent to the iconic elevated park in...

The Latest Plant-Based Beauty Trend? Moss, Moss, and More Moss

Moss is a huge floral design and decor trend these days, but what about putting it on your skin? Several...

Traveling Along the Asparagus Road in Germany

Spring in Germany means one thing: asparagus season, or spargelzeit. Germans are obsessed with asparagus, which is often called the...

New Wind Turbines Are Changing The Energy Game

While the United States has been the focus of the energy crisis of late,  globally, the energy crisis continues to mount....

4 Incredible Women Who Advanced Science

With the release of Hidden Figures earlier this year,  the women behind some of science’s biggest discoveries are finally getting...

6 Women Environmental Activists You Should Know

In honor of International Women’s Day, we put together a (by no means exhaustive!) list of women around the world who...

How Houseplants Improve Mental Health

In uncertain times, it is normal for our attention to shift to the “bigger picture”. Large-scale issues in current politics,...

A Simple Guide to All Natural Exfoliation

You cleanse, you moisturize– but are you exfoliating regularly? This necessary step in your personal care routine is a major step...

How The Environment Became a Controversial Political Issue

The political landscape in 2017 has increasingly felt like a war waged between the Democrats and Republicans, with strict party lines drawn...

6 Essential Greek Myths About Plants

Like many kids, I was obsessed with Greek mythology as a child. I treasured my copy of [easyazon_link identifier=”0440406943″ locale=”US” tag=”gardcoll03-20″]D’Aulaire’s...