Evelin Brandt, German Fashion Designer, Takes GC on a Quick Tour of Her Garden
Between fashion and gardens there is an enduring and steadfast relationship. The two mediums– driven by color, textures, and aesthetic– seem to endlessly feed one another, complementing and completing each other’s thoughts. Each merging of the two genres seems to offer a new, unique perspective– which is why we were so excited when, during a recent trip to Germany, we got a peek at fashion designer Evelin Brandt’s home in Berlin.
Brandt– who was originally a medical student and only began making dresses as a way to finance her studies– is known for her comfortable yet chic aesthetic. Like her clothing, her garden is a little colorful, a little eccentric, and full of breezy confidence. “Nothing is difficult,” Brandt told GC. “I have planned and planted everything in such a way that the garden looks pretty without constant care.”
With the help of her husband, Brandt built the garden mostly from scratch, working with floodlights in the dark and collecting rocks from abandoned houses to see it completed. “Our passion and pleasure in creating our own space was immense,” Brandt told us, reaffirming a sentiment in evidence throughout the lush green space. “As I am a designer, it was a great pleasure for me to create a plan for our wild and savage garden space and to work in it every day.”