New York Botanical Garden Announces First-Annual EcoFlora Conference
On Friday, August 3 from 10 AM to 1 PM at the Arther and Janet Ross Hall at NYBG, the New York Botanical Garden will host the first-annual New York City EcoFlora project in an effort to document all of the plant species in the Big Apple, while also analyzing the threats that face them.
As defined on NYBG’s website, the New York City EcoFlora project “seeks to engage the public as citizen scientists to observe, collect, and compile information about the City’s plants and their relationships with other organisms, such as birds, insects, and mushrooms, and to combine these data with all that is already known from natural history collections and scientific publications.”
After a successful first year, they’re celebrating the many citizen scientists who have made this impressive documentation process possible.
“The New York City EcoFlora is a real-time, online, ongoing checklist of plants– the first ever to connect plants in the web of life in New York City– that will result in a dynamic resource for conservation planning as well as in New Yorkers that are better informed about the importance of urban ecologies and who can contribute to protecting them,” its organizers write.
For more information or to register for this year’s EcoFlora conference, visit NYBG’s website.