Brooklyn Girl’s Guide to Sunday: Gorgeous Spring in Martha’s Vineyard
There’s really no point to this post except that I love spring, especially spring on the Island. Spring on Martha’s Vineyard holds an extra special place in my heart. Being back on the island was especially soul-brightening this last time around because it meant that winter was ending, that the threat of snow had subsided, and the air was starting to change from bitter to warm. It was high tide at the beach, and during my visit the water was rushing around giant clay cliffs and the air was just a little bit warmer.
It takes Martha’s Vineyard a little bit longer to warm up than Brooklyn, but there’s still a clear shift when it starts to change. Almost everything is still closed but that’s part of the magic; the island feels like a hidden secret, with everyone gathering at the few open coffeeshops and restaurants, all bound by this deep island love. The line at Chilmark Chocolates was out the door and 7A was crowed with people in search of egg sandwiches and vegetarian chili.
Everyone was a little too cold to eat outside but they all did it anyways, and the general store was covered in pastel streamers and easter bunnies. A grandfather rocked back and forth with his grandson on the hanging bench and I snuggled up to my own dad, covered in head-to-toe fleece and just grateful to be in a place where silence is valued. I spent Sunday on the deck, reading with no music and no one else– just me, the wind, and the sun.