How To Make Holiday Cards with Pressed Flowers
Interested in learning how to make cards with pressed flowers?
Get the whole family involved in holiday cards this year! While posing for a family photo does have a certain caché, making your own ow botanical greeting cards with pressed flowers is a fun way to spend some time together this season, without the drama of matching sweaters. (You can always include a photo if you want!)
If you live in a place where things are still green, go on a walk with the whole crew and source materials from your own garden or local park (just make sure you’re allowed to take it). If you’re somewhere without much in the way of live vegetation, try picking up a few stems from your local florist, or snipping a few springs from your indoor herb garden. (We like using rosemary, as it not only looks appropriately icicle-like, it also smells amazing and seasonal.)
We used the Armhino Herb Press to create the materials for our cards and used traditional snowflake shapes as inspiration for our patterns.
- herb press
- flowers or leaves, ideally foraged from a park or garden
- card stock (we love using [easyazon_link identifier=”B00NFUSUVI” locale=”US” tag=”gardcoll03-20″]seed paper[/easyazon_link] as a biodegradable option!)
- glue
- Leave the flowers and leaves in the press for at least 24 hours.
- Using glue, decorate the cards or seed paper.
- Infuse with love and spread holiday cheer!