Bouquet of the Week: Small White Roses
As part of our recurring Bouquet of the Week series, Garden Collage continues to present a weekly inspirational bouquet that incorporates intriguing new elements into the traditional practice of flower arranging. This week, Garden Collage styles a “Grown Up” bouquet that emphasizes small white roses, thistles, and wildflowers for a texture that’s charming and sophisticated without being too neat.
I’ve always been a white roses person and a small roses person. For some reason I’ve always been drawn to them over their larger comrades – they seem cuter, subtle, a little bit less than the larger more commercial versions. I gravitated towards white roses probably because everybody else was always buying red ones, and when I was younger I automatically went against the crowd, just because.
I’ve also always been a wildflower person – I’ve always preferred flowers from the field to flowers that look just a little too neat sitting in a glass vase. Thistles are wild and beautiful and have that magic silver-purple glean to them. They kind of scream ‘I got these from a field in the English country side’, rather than ‘I live in the heart of the most urban city in the world’.
I like to look at two things that would normally never go together and see if they do. So white roses and thistles– they don’t seem like they would work and maybe they don’t. But I like to throw things together, and with the start of fall it feels like these bouquets should consist less of wild grass in a jar and more elegance and charm, a bouquet that is trying to be a little bit grown up. So this is a little bit grown up, with the silver and white kind of working together, but it also has the casual element, the ‘I just grabbed these and threw them in a jar’ vibe that I love. If you had some seagrass you could throw it in, or anything brown, yellow, of similar– colors that aren’t too girly or precious.