Beatrice Helman

A Brooklyn Girl’s Guide to Sunday: Remembering Lamejun

I grew up on a steady diet of hummus, grape leaves, and red pepper feta cheese. I was a spinach falafel lover and made it a point to eat shakshuka almost every day in high school. On those nights when we were indecisive about what to have for dinner, we always looked to the freezer. My parents always had a box of Lamejun stored there, waiting and ready to be thrown in the oven and then rolled up with a generous heap of hummus or baba ganoush.

BGGS Lamejun

Beatrice Helman

Lamejun is described as a piece of dough topped with minced meat or fresh vegetables and then baked. My family always just called it “a super super thin crust Armenian pizza”, because it was our go-to version of pizza. I dipped in and out, loyal to the meat version until I was a veggie convert, and then went back to meat. I was much the same way with grape leaves; I went from veggie to meat and back to veggie. But to me, Lamejun has meant home and family and a little bit of history– one that can easily be recreated with a trip to the farmers market to get fresh veggies to incorporate into the dish.

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