Daisy’s Tips: Christian Lacroix Floral Notebooks, For When Inspiration Strikes
I’ve been a longtime devotee of Christian Lacroix, as my good friend Sacha is the Creative Director for this timeless brand. This season, I’m really into the chic line of floral notebook’s CL is putting out, which I like to keep in my purse and have on reserve for moments of personal introspection.
For gardeners, curious minds, and anyone interested in mindful living, keeping some sort of notebook on hand is a valuable way to chronicle the days’ various musings and inspirations. See a flower that you love in the park? Sketch it here, so that you can google it later and figure out if it’s possible to get seeds for your garden. Need to write a to-do list? Carry it with you in a bound book and you’re more likely to accomplish these goals, studies show, because you’ve written them down (which also gives you the satisfaction of checking them off, rather than simply “deleting” the note off your iPhone). There’s also something very romantic about carrying around a bound book of paper– you never know when inspiration will strike, but when it does, you’ll be prepared to capture it in style.