Felco Clippers Are Simply The Best
When it comes to who we trust to meet our pruning needs in the garden, only one name makes the cut: FELCO, whose [easyazon_link identifier=”B00023RYT0″ locale=”US” tag=”gardcoll03-20″]shearers[/easyazon_link] have always been our go-to garden clippers. We love not just their functionality, but also the look: perfectly sized and well-weighted, with a sharp, fire engine red handle that ensures they’re easy to spot through a mess of green and brown clippings.
The FELCO clipper’s artistry is in its simplicity and durability. With their timeless form and loyal service, it’s unsurprising that FELCO got its start in an old watch factory in Switzerland; the shearers have an elegantly-engineered form, perfectly calibrated to their purpose and moving with the same satisfying click as clockwork. Yet one would expect no less– Félix Flisch, the mind behind FELCO, first began working on his design for shearers in 1945, adjusting and modifying the form until he achieved the perfect product. Today, the shearers are sold in 120 countries, and they’re one of the most trusted branded on the market.
We love using FELCO shearers to make bouquets, as they can slice through just about anything– from the slender, woody stems of wisteria to the thick spongy cores of amaryllis. Clippers are also useful to keep around for any crafts projects that require working with salvaged sticks; like a small, hand-held superhero, they’re always ready to spring into action.