Daisy’s Tips: Be Inspired by the Local
Occasionally I feel a bit of fatigue from the zealousness of the “locavore” movement, despite the fact that I am totally behind it. At times the pressure to be politically-correct all the time can be overwhelming– “Should or shouldn’t I buy blueberries in Jan? Is it irresponsible to plant anything but a native garden?”– but then I eat at my most favorite restaurant in the world, Chez Panisse in Berkeley, and I am totally re-inspired. Inspired to be as local as humanly possible.
Beatrice Helman
For me, Alice Waters sets the standard of local is, and what it means– “local” means supporting local farmers, florists, and the people of not just Berkeley, but the world. From her one restaurant she has trained so many amazing individuals who have fanned out over the globe and spread her gospel about the beauty and value of eating locally. Everything Alice does inspires me to be even more engaged in the local movement, because even if it isn’t a “new” idea at this point, it is still the right thing to do.