Interested in Crystal Healing? Here’s Why You Should Garden with Green Calcite
Hailing from Africa, Brazil, India, and Mexico, CaCO3— Calcium Carbonate, also known as “green calcite”— is a stone revered both aesthetically and medicinally that is frequently applied to the heart chakra in crystal therapy. The stone is light green, opaque in color, and resembles washed sea glass. It’s said to aid in the healing of arthritis, bacterial-infections, burns, inflammation, joint-pain, and nervous-ticks, while promoting balance and communication within. In addition to being a much-loved stone among crystal healers and alternative medicine advocates, it is also a stone that can often be found in the garden. Just as the stone enables human beings to open the heart and manifest the good, mystic theory also holds that it allows plants and vegetables to produce a better yield.
Through this fostered connection to nature, green calcite supposedly communicates with plant and nature “spirits”. This is the same premise as the garden fairy, who “blesses” the garden through her kinship with plant life.
Whether or not you espouse crystal healing, part of the stone’s functionality can be attributed to green calcite’s innate connection to nature— after all, it’s the product of sedimentation buried deep beneath the soil after thousands of years. Through this fostered connection to nature, green calcite supposedly communicates with plant and nature “spirits”. This is the same premise as the garden fairy, who “blesses” the garden through her kinship with plant life. In addition to dispersing green calcite throughout the garden, sprinkled under a layer of soil, you can alternatively spend time in the garden on a daily basis meditating with the crystal. (This connection between the stone and the garden will use you as a vessel to develop a heightened sense of intuition for what the plant needs on that particular day to thrive, according to the spiritual, biodynamic crowd.)
Covering your stones with soil will prevent the sun from warping their color and energy. Every full moon unearth, soak with water, salt, and used apple cider vinegar to cleanse the crystals. Then, place them back underneath the sky so that the moon may charge it with energy. Folk legend suggests that when you bring green calcite into your home and surround it with five green candles that are lit every morning for one week, it will bring prosperity. (It’s a lot of effort, but you never know what might manifest.) Green Calcite’s planet is Venus, which symbolic of love, and it’s element is Earth– so when you place the stone in a public garden or potted plant within an office space, it will help soothe anxiety or stress-induced energies.
In search of additional stones to bring into your garden? Try hanging Rose Quartz from your plum, peach, pear, and apple trees. This is said to infuse the fruit with energy that opens the heart when consumed and ignites self-love. Tiger Eye is often used at the bottom of potted plants or buried with onions, garlic, or potatoes as it fosters root growth. Moss and Tree Agate are said to birth green thumbs, by giving people who don’t have an innate connection to nature a deeper understanding of its rhythm– one mineral element at a time.