flower tips delphinium flower tips delphinium
Photo: Andreana Bitsis

10 Plants That Are Dangerous For Dogs

Delphinium might be beautiful, but it's a no-no for dogs.

In the past we’ve covered what you can plant to make your four-legged friends happy, but there are certain plants you should never have in your garden if you have a dog– especially if you have one who likes to graze.

In honor of National Dog Day, we’ve compiled a list of common plants to look out for in your garden, indoors, at the dog park, or anywhere else you might take your pup. In addition to familiar plants like English Ivy, aloe, and wisteria, we’ve included seemingly innocuous ones like potatoes (which when cooked can be OK for dogs) and castor beans (castor in its oil form is a remedy people often give sick dogs– but most vets advise against it).

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Check out the interactive graphic below to keep your dog happy, healthy, and enjoying the great outdoors.

If you’re concerned your pet may have ingested any of these plants, contact your veterinarian or a pet poison hotline immediately.

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