Introducing: The Wonderful World of Bees
Sarah Red-Laird is a pioneer in Bee education. She’s the founder of the Bee Girl Organization, a nonprofit that aims to conserve our nation’s bees by educating the public through community-focused classes on bees, gardens, and the ecosystem that connects them. She’s certainly an all-star when it comes to saving the bees!
The Bee Girl Organization hosts public lectures, a “Kids and Bees” program, and a partnership program with their neighbors at Southern Oregon University (that’s where Bee Girl is based). The organization also facilitates the “Farming for Bees” initiative, which empowers land managers who help provide a habitat for bees.
Watch as Bee Girl discusses why bees are an important part of every garden, and check out a handful of Amazing Bee Facts, below.
Video by BoutenkoFilms.